Sunday, 28 November 2010

James White Pro Groundtactics!


flatmatters said...


ortho said...

Like x100! Wow, bloody 'ell!!! Tight insane new creative interpretations of old classics. Can only imagine the degree of perfection required.

Navid said...


A said...

Top stuff from James this is some of the hardest moves i've seen ,lovin that rolling Locomotive combo ,mad skillz :-)

Anonymous said...

Get in there!
bloody amazin Def James!!!

Brian said...

So good! Double locomotive undertaker combo!

phil dolan said...

beyonce on crack!

GSF said...

I'm waiting to see the 'George Clooney' on Crack edit!!

Anonymous said...

WTF ??? Sick !! no messing with the old cats!!! Def James rules lol

Sam Foakes said...

I can't believe how good this edit is! Inspired