Monday, 10 January 2011

Effraim Catlow Flatmatters exclusive!

Part of my new years resolution is to document my riding much more on this blog and push myself as far as possible, i've been able to do the end part for a while but adding the halfhiker flip at the beginning makes this a whole new ballgame, enjoy! And thanks again to Martti for pushing to do this and share this!


Unknown said...

SOLID as hell! You seem to have the best winter spot ever!

Rick Mac said...

E, you are usually real smooth but that was extra nice, for a new link, too!

Nice one.

A said...

Yes E that was sweet ,great work and a cool indoor spot .

Navid said...

clean as hell. solid style,

flatmatters said...

Thanks guys, your pushing me!

LACHLAN said...

So jealous...
Love those x-foot pivots...

Anonymous said...

awesome E. clean and smooth!!

that spot is just a dream.. enjoy

Viki Gitano Gomez said...

Nice Style and master control, plus perfect spot! Congrats ;)

Luke said...

yes sick combo and nice spot too.

Burd said...

Love the way the pieces of that combo fit together, very smooth!

One Love BMX said...


Unknown said...

Yeah E! dope x-foot pivot!

flatmatters said...

Thanks again everyone, nuff motivation to push this concept forwards.

Anonymous said...

Dayumm-The Hard stuff
*scratches head*

Anonymous said...

Yeah!, i love it!!!

george manos said...

YES Effraim!!!

Lea said...

WOW Effraim, SMOOTH and dialed, I definitely loved the flip to crossfoot, and then your switch to halfpacker! I made Kevin watch it, he doesn't even know bike tricks and he was impressed :) xo