Friday, 28 January 2011

Leo Claro The minimalist style


george manos said...

oh my..the situation has get out of hand..!!!it's hard but pegless and cranckless is a bit disfunctional to me..but...Leo RESPECT man!!as another pegless rider i bow to your precission skills!!

Anonymous said...

A bit too minimalist for my taste...but we all know you can rock cranks, pegs, usually etc!

Voodstoc said...

I usually don't think much of pegless flat, but this video was very interesting. I'll bet that bike is so light as to be super hard to control.
Good video.

Navid said...

mad control!

marcelhmendes said...

Rolê limpinho e controle total!! Esse sim foi um video digno das finais do groundtactics!! Grave mais videos!!!

Cesar said...

I hope this round is more democratic! This video shows a sequence of maneuvers involving a level of difficulty and originality never seen deserves to go to the finals!!

flatmatters said...

Well lets wait on the other videos from the other semi finalists first Cesar, that is surely more democratic!

Brian said...

I can appreciate the difficulty involved in what he's doing. But I can't really understand why he took off the cranks too??? Plus alot of those tricks he did before with cranks. Seems like standing on small extensions on the bb would almost be easier in that they would never move. Sure the balance point is different but.....

TBH, I would love to see him ride with cranks and pegs and see what crazy combos he would come up with mixing in some of these tricks.

Cesar said...

The funny and it was a Matthias, Viki Gomez kuoppa or everyone would think the guy has exceeded all boundaries of originality!