Monday, 14 March 2011

Flatsummit jam in Brighton

I've said it before and no doubt I will say it many times again, jams are really important for the growth of the flat scene, there is far more interaction between riders during a jam than at a contest, yesterday I sessioned with a few guys that I have never met before, we pushed it other on whatever combos we were doing. The community builds, friendships are made, sessions go down, this I find very motivating! And for me after all these years, I feel like jams are the future, anyone can put on a jam. It's accessible for all. 
The Leisure centre floor was pretty much perfect, the lights reflecting on the floor gave the feeling that it was slippery, but I didn't slip out once all day.Once you got used to the lighting, it was on!
About 25-30 riders made it to Brighton for the jam, the floor was so big that the hall kind of broke up into 4 sections, which was awesome, to paint you a lil picture, there was kind of a TGM section, a section with the Brighton crew, a section with myself, Trevor, Cunners, and a section with Keelan, Lee Wilson,Andy Hale, Andy Wood, and basically riders would move around all day sessioning with each other, interacting, and getting stoked on flatland!
Everyone sessioned all day, new tricks and old tricks were laid down, and a few laid back fun contests were throw in to finish the day, Yinka won the longest hang 5, Gabor won the longest peg wheelie, Keelan won the longest nose manual and hang nothing. Fun times!
Much respect goes out to Chris Carter for organising the jam, peep the lil interview I did with him (below) after the jam, as well as a lil flatmatters exclusive from Keelan. Mario will be dropping a flatsummit jam edit sometime soon. 
Let's keep the momentum going, TGM Spring jam soon? 


Morgan Gleave said...

Nice one Effraim! It was a briilaint day, and you're right... without eth pressure of comps, everyone rides amnd learns more... I got so much support from other riders yesterday whilst I was learning, it was amazing. Left me with a BIG smile on my face.

flatmatters said...

That is awesome to hear! Motivation!!! There were lot of faces there yesterday I don't see when its a "contest", hopefully in time, some guys will get into competing..
I was talking to trevor yesterday after we were all rode out, next jam should be at tgm, celebrate the spring time, possibly two months time, weather will be a lot better then...

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments in the interview. Props to the Chris's! Good to hear the motivation for what made it possible. Everyone went home fulfilled & stoked! Those who made it happened, and for those who made the effort to attend made it the great occasion it was. Thanks again,

flatmatters said...

Lot of good points raised.
-Riders being approachable.
-Workshops, trick tips.
All these alone make flatland grow, I didn't see anyone bummed on the jam, all I saw was smiling faces, and thats motivation right there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah let's keep the momentum going. Get a Spring Jam going asap, for when the spring is well underway!
Also, Talking to Keelan & co, another date to add in the UK calender will be the Leicester jam/comp later on in the year. Things are happening. It's healthy yo.

flatmatters said...

King of Southsea also chaps :)

Anthony said...

"I didn't see anyone bummed on the jam"...this is key! Chris is doing an awesome thing here and he is spot on about the dialogue difference between a jam and a contest. Also excellent Keelen link. I am going nuts for that rollback 180 straight to hang nothing!

flatmatters said...

Great words from Chris!
It's something I have discussed many times with Bobby carter over the past few years, and when Chris asked me about doing a contest, I advised him to do a jam to benefit the "scene" and build his name up, he can become established thus if he does out a contest on, people take him seriously, they know it will be legit, which is what we need here right now.
I know myself it was far easier to interact yesterday at a jam than it is at a contest.
What now needs to happen is another jam few months down the line, build up a network, get more riders interacting, i know for me it was the first time riding with anyone since I was in California in December..

Chris Carter said...

Thank you to everyone that came to the Jam. I've had some really great feedback about it. Hope we can all ride together again soon!

A said...

Gutted i missed this health not too good jam looked awesome nice work guys ,i'll be at future events for sure flats looking good.