Saturday, 19 March 2011

James White on DeepBMX!

It's official the contract has been signed. James White will be riding DEEP. Along with the Big Money salary this Mercedes CGI was thrown in as a good will gesture! James White had this to say about the move.... “I’m Rolling with Deep!”.


flatmatters said...

Congrats James!
Loving the photo hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Bahaha, brilliant, living the flatland dream...

flatmatters said...

Golden pic that is!

A said...

Great news well deserved ,great pic haha.

phil dolan said...

were you steal that officer!

phil dolan said...

the most gangsta trippin police officer deep undercover

flatmatters said...

It wasn't long till the Police jokes came out!Hopefully we will feature a bikecheck soon on James' new ride!

Morgan Gleave said...

But will he still speak to us at Jams? Big up to Mr White!

GSF said...

flatmatters said...

I see James! Never saw that Woody advert before, where's the leather jacket? That is an awesome remake!
Exciting times for Mr White and DeepBMX.

A said...

haha i remember that Woody advert funny i was just thinking that this pic reminded me of that ,great stuff.

flatmatters said...

Where did this advert feature Howard (or james), freestylin'?

A said...

i remember it in BMX Plus circa 1985.