Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Martti Kuoppa does not stop!

Sick new edits from Mr Groundtactics, looks like MK has learnt a nice new technique on the guillotine pivot to crackpacker which has opened up a ton of doors! I love these white room edits! Yes MK!
Building my skills once again... from Ground Tactics on Vimeo.


flatmatters said...

Creative inspiration, hit the rewind before this mornings session...

andevas said...

como siempre sorprendente,where I can get the handlebars?,feliz año y gracias

Brian said...

Loved the rideout on the last combo. "hey LOOK there's the pedal!" Woo Hoo.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! Keep dropping those bombs in Finland! I like that 360 tire tap to decade...

Anonymous said...

Safe legit.

Bruno "Zebu" said...

iaaaaa amazing!!!!

A said...

Dope edit Martti ,love that spot also.

flatmatters said...

The power of the "white room".

Anonymous said...

dope stuff master mk... thanks from LA, flatmatters for always showing the goodies...

Artist: EastSide Bastads
Track : Casualtyz :Feat Riddlore

flatmatters said...

Dope track! Riddlore is sick...

Anonymous said...

what the hell is a gulliotine??

and btw he did tht hang 10 to crackpacker no handed in impulsivity a very long time ago... so i dont know what "new concept" and what "doors opening" your talkin g about

i know you're all for being positive but lets keep it real too...

flatmatters said...

@ tdot

a guillotine is an xft'ed hang 5 one leg either side of bike, watch at 00:34 he is one footed on the opposite peg before the pivot, he used to jump, the pivot means the trick is more controlled for tricks such as the whip to crackpacker, whip to half pivot to xft hitch and im sure there are many more to come, i've never seen this technique before, hope that answers your question.
Go try it, super hard on the opposite side.

Anonymous said...

i've rolled that trick.i can roll it one footed on either foot. i dont do it anymore.

im not trying to diss anybody . i just never heard of the name "guillotine". and as for all those new concepts - they arent new to me so thats what i was saying.. myabe they are new to you.