photo by martin @
Introduce yourself please. My name is Mates Tucek. I am 19 years old and I come from Czech Republic.
How long have you been riding?
I've been riding for 6 years !
What was your initial attraction to flatland?
I was fed up with swimming (I used to swim for 6 years) After then I saw some flatters riding their small bikes ….I was amazed and bought my first bike ! Flatland is unique and stylish sport. It is not dangerous as street or vert.
How was the scene in the Czech republic when you started riding, and how has it changed?
When I started to ride, there were about 60 riders in our country. Nowadays about 25 people ride, but the level of tricks is higher. We have many people who ride Master category at the worlds.
What have been some of your best achievements contest wise?
1. place at (Riviera Ninja spin – master group), 5. place at Flatland church fight, 4. place at BMX Masters in 2008 – master group.
What class do you currently ride in?
PRO category – It is great motivation. It makes me ride more often.
Whats your bike set up?
My bike consists of :
Frame – KHE Equilibrium 09.
Fork – KHE Tanaka.
Bars – OG Caramel 3.
Pegs – D.O.M.
Hubs – WTP (48h), KHE Geischa freecoaster.
Who do you ride with?
I ride alone during a week. At the weekends I ride with my good mate Venca Petricek. When I need some motivation I go to Prague.
Dominik Nekolny has made a big impact on the worldwide scene the last few years, is he a big rolemodel for you?
He plays an important role in the Czech flat scene. He upgraded many tricks to the higher level. Dom is a big motivation almost for everyone. I like his style, I really enjoy his cross footed stuff ! Go on, Dom !!
What tricks are you working on mates?
Well ! I am working on the jump from backpacker to hitchhiker.

You've published quite a few web edits,does that help you progress your riding?
YES !! and It makes me happy, when someone appreciates my edits !
Have you invented any tricks, variations?
Not yet…
You have wide range of tricks for a young rider, would you say you are a natural rider, or do you have to work at it?
Partly yes but I have been riding for relatively long time, that´s a reason why I can do many variations. I had to spend lot of hours by practising.
What riders are inspiring you?
The most – people who ride brakeless such as Moto, Yoshiki Uchino, …
Are you concerned with contest placings etc, or just happy to be riding?
I am not riding for some results but mainly for fun. I prefer jams to competitions. I am happy, when I ride with my mates and we learn new tricks together.
What are your plans for this year?
The first, I hope I will pass the leaving exam from my school successfully. I would get to the university. I will ride a lot and do my best for flatland. I am gonna take part in some competitions too.
You must be excited the worlds is in prague this year?
I am very proud of that. I am looking forward to see all riders again.
It will be dandy !!!
Thanks for the interview Mates, hope to see you soon!
Look forward to seeing much more of this guy!!
Effraim, I love this! Great way to branch off of New Breed. Can't wait to see where this is going to lead. Nice interview Homie.
Thanks joe, much more to come, and various ways this can branch off, never ending, just like flatland!
Got to see Mates Tucek at church fight, so fluid and consistant all day..a new breed indeed
Great stuff the new talent is the future ,always a treat to see .
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