Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Rob Ridge rules!

Every so often you see a park/street edit where you see flatland starting to get serious into the street/park tech world, here is one of those edits! man this is good! Yes Rob!


flatmatters said...

Tech tech tech!!! Amazing!!

phil dolan said...

rob ridge is radical

GSF said...

That's Freestyle BMX!Under-taker tyres taps!!!!!! Only Rob!

A said...

my god that was incredible , undertaker tyre taps ,tech galore if there's a better tech/mini ramp etc rider out there i'l eat my hat,seriously, watching this one again.respect :-)

Raso said...


jm said...

the running jump to bar ride was nuts! that whole video was out of this world tho, I really like the mix of flat and tech street. man he's good!

flatmatters said...

Stoked to see Rob took on board the undertaker tyre tap idea, wink wink...

Unknown said...

That's some fresh riding!

Anonymous said...
