Thursday, 5 May 2011

Flatmatters Website coming soon!

The blogspot era is coming to an end! Time for a more cleaner/professional look to flatmatters, stay tuned! Exciting times! Thanks for your support!!!!


Morgan Gleave said...

Nice one Effraim! Loving the new graphics... very classy! Onwards and upwards, eh?

flatmatters said...

Well the blogspot has served its cause, time to take it to the next level, try and improve the look, idenitity, whole package, bit by bit, have a friend of mine helping out with the web design, as I know nothing about web design.

Anonymous said...

are we still going to be able to comment. lol. i was just getting into this commenting thing lately. lol.

flatmatters said...

Yes you will.

Francois said...

Good initiative Effraim!
Looking forward to it

J said...

nice one! what will happen to this blogspot and all the great articles that have appeared over the years, will they be lost forever?

flatmatters said...

All articles and video posts have been transferred over to the new site...

flatmatters said...

Be a couple of weeks, hold tight people.

jm said...

congrats E! looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Nice switch.

Navid said...

sure got my support!nice one!