Sunday, 1 May 2011

Terry Adams wins Twilight contest 2011

Terry tweeted late last night, he won the annual Twilight contest in Athens, Georgia. Dane B had a flawless run, thats all I know. Top 3 results below... No doubt few videos shortly!

T, Vanessa and Darren Craddock on route to Twilight contest.
1- Terry Adams
2- Dane Beardsley
3- Isaiah Jordan

Mitchell Hall took first place in the Am Class, congrats Mitchell!

Check Terry's site for the road trip photos:

1 comment:

  1. So glad I was there! The event was downtown on a closed off street with tons of enthusiastic onlookers. There was a crazy street/ramp BMX contest and a little jam circle going pretty much the entire day. The most sketchy surface i've EVER tried to ride! Was a true test of skills I tell ya. Loved every moment. Riding in a contest, especially one in this setting, and hanging with flat friends I don't get to see often... was pretty overwhelming!

    Thanks so much to Jon Dowker and his crew for puttin it together. Athens GA knows what's up.
