Tuesday, 15 March 2011

DeepBMX Passion Top 5 edit..

Nice edit by Michal Kupec of this past weekends DeepBMX contest in Bremen!


  1. I'm really impressed with the branding of the event, looks so professional, stands out above most events I see. Congrats once again James!

  2. jeah! nu school from 90's
    nice :)
    and Adam pedal to pedal decade and more real bangers the old school?
    no comment

    flat is dead in competitions !

  3. ND i thought adams pedal to pedal decade made that flatland contest rather alive and well even if james is old enough to be adams dad!

  4. and secondly james riding is full of nu school even if you cant see it

  5. I have great respect for the older pros' opinion because I've grown up on their riding but I am sorry that they do not see what the new school is and not at all how hard which tricks are.
    I hope the time will come when qualified juries will sit in the jury chairs.

  6. Lot of interesting points to come out of this debate raised by ND: Presuming this is David Nagy? Could be wrong? Always nice to know who you are talking to...

    1) As always seems to be the case recently (not just here), after a contest, there is always someone unhappy with judging, thus a whole bunch of negativity is associated with flatland. This is why I believe jams are essential to the growth of the sport.

    2) Not sure is ND is directing this at old school riders in general, or whether just judges at the deepbmx event, for example I have been riding 28 years, how could I be anymore qualified to judge?
    Infact at a few events, I've been told I know too much about flatland, how can you know too much?

    3) What is old school? What does that really mean?
    Is Old school hopping tricks? Is it scuffing? As I saw plenty of scuffing in this edit. Is new school, no scuffing, rolling, pivoting etc, James in some ways is new school within this edit, he didnt touch the tyre, so theres room for thought here. If something is old doesn't mean it is lesser than something new?

    4) This is just an edit, doesn't show the whole story, as from the edit, it looks like Dominik should have placed higher...

  7. james is ancient not quite as ancient as me but old,{i have more teeth} but his riding is fresh as any nuuuuuu schooler..... i have done my detective work honest guv !!!

  8. Effriam Yes! I am David. Sorry that I didn't introduced myself. I had many problems with my e-mail accounts but finaly this one worked.
    Let's not to go deep about what is old school and what is new school because everybody has his own view, let's get to more important things!
    The fact that James does a couple of whiplashes, jugglers backpacker Juggler in a link what is new school or difficult or original on it?? : O: O
    These are simple tricks. It is not a question.
    Or do we measure physical power? Or maybe judge the riders in hand of our own riding skills?

  9. I'll tell you again I respect enormously the old riders, regardless of what tricks they are doing now and respect them for all that they had reached!
    Without them nothing would exist now. James is a great rider. I have seen his new ground tactics videos and it's awesome that even he is old, he rides so enthusiastically, so good and refreshes his riding sometimes!
    Besides that, long ago, I can not tell you how often I watched his tricks on a video, or even yours and Phil's. What is old doesn't mean it is easier but we have 2011!

  10. Adam refreshes his riding continuously for many years and he does so many new and very difficult tricks as not many people do (hardly one, could be Martti!, Check Adams videos over the years and it is no more a question) and rides nicely stable on contests.
    Is it a respected?
    It looks like NO, because when he had a good run, but touched the ground 1-2 times though he did much harder and more original than a few people who landed before him in the result. - once he will get enough from it and he will end like Andrew Farris ...
    Then a lot of work and lots of people's idol will be lost due to fault of others!
    How to judge? It's a good question; that is really not easy and I did not say I could do it totally objective just hope that once this thing turns to good and the final results won't be like a sweepstake!
    Not once happened this!

  11. Lot of interesting feedback David!
    Where to start?

    What is new school about James riding? As you said just because something is old doesn't make it worse than something new, for example half the stuff Martti and Simon O Brien did around 2000, is better "difficult" than half the stuff I see nowadays, these tricks stand untouched, and there is a reason for this!

    Secondly I don't see one handed multiple whiplashes into combos as easy, and becomes even harder in a contest, when you consider nerves, etc.
    The subtle pump James adds into the multiple whiplashes juggler combo, is a new school twist to a combo, such as Adam adds a new twist to a pedal rolaid by landing on the pedals, this adding to the difficulty.

    Also, the judges, I don;t know who they are, but they may few the pedal to pedal rolaid, as "one" trick, I remember Steve Mulder got ripped off hard at the X Games, and all his tricks were one hit bangers, so awesome!

    These are all interesting points, that I don't know the answers to I am just speculating, as good as Adam is, I don't see comparing to what Martti has done for the progression of the sport, he may do in time, of course Adam has been around many years, but really has only just been regular on the "international" contest scene, and won his first real major contest last year at the masters, when a lot of people disagreed, with the result, you can't win them all. The future looks bright for Adam, with a rider as skilled as he is, I would like to see him push his riding harder.
