Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Reality Tv Part 2 online!

Oh wow! This video inspired me so much back in the day, banging sections with Jesse Puente and Pete Brandt (O-zone days),the Ride Flatland contest in So Cal organised by Pete Kearney, so much good stuff, this has made my day already! Sections 3,5, 7 and 8 stand out! So stoked on this!


  1. One of the most influential videos in my years riding, I wore my VHS tape out rewatching Jesse, the Ride contest and Pete B in this, much respect to Chad J once again, huge video in the history of flatland riding!

  2. wow now after all that time jesse's been telling me he started this and that... WHOA mind blowing... HE OPENED SO MANY DOORS!! one of the few to have the keys to flatland lovely doors!

  3. Finally i get to see it again ,Aju from South Bank did me a copy 20 years ago misplaced it maybe 10 years ago , now thanks to Kala i can watch it again thanks for posting got me motivated totally :-)
