Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The Martti Kuoppa remixes!

The guillotine kickflip to halfpacker is still one of my favourite clips of all time!


  1. Can u please stop calling it "guillotine" . Its a x-footed hang10 seatgrab. or xfooted messiah or no handed xfooted hang 10. You have NO AUTHORITY to name/rename tricks!

    btw dope videos!

  2. Calm down dude, its just a trick name, given back when Eric Emerson did it with one footed, so if anything it would be a "two footed guillotine", your right I don't have the authority to name, but Eric does.
    Who cares really, as you said "dope videos!".

  3. martti! damn this stemlash things are soooo good!!!!unbelievable!!

  4. guillotine guillotine guillotine guillotine and who are you to rename it xfoot messiah?
