Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Martti Kuoppa World record pinky squeaks

Back in Martti's quamen days, funny to see this now....


  1. Who's the other rider guys ? sick pinkys even more than Brett Hernandez .

  2. I bet those headset bearings were getting hot!!!

  3. I admit to watching this video at least half a dozen times in the past year or so. As a seasoned beginner, multi-pinkys are bafflingly quick and complicated.

  4. the other riders name is andreas lindqvist, he is a great allround rider, he does flatland and backflips:P

  5. @ortho.. just out of interest did you find this video useful to learn pinkys?

  6. Well I still can't really do multiples, but I've just learned a hydrant jump, where the bike rotates the opposite way. The video was somewhat useful in that it showed the trick in isolation instead of part of some larger combo and gave me some idea how the rhythm of it worked.

  7. Interesting.Do you find how-tos useful or not?

  8. Yeah I think how-tos are great, and I love trying out little bits of advice. Ground Rules and the BMX Trix site were especially helpful when I was first getting started, but as i've gotten better i've realized they can have their limitations. Obviously the rider has to do all the real hard work, but sometimes you get stuck and a comment from a friend like "try to carve it more..." or something simple like that can help shake me out of whatever i'm struggling on.
