Saturday, 8 January 2011

Martti Kuoppa flatmatters exclusive!

The boss just dropped this exclusively for flatmatters, big up Martti Kuoppa! So good!


  1. Those xft whiplashes into guillotine flow like water martti, so good! Thank you one more time for supporting flatmatters, means a lot!

  2. At least i've learned the whiplashes with 1st Groundtactics workshop from the Boss!!! Xft whiplashes to go now!!

    Keep with those small videos Boss, AWESOME STUFF!!

  3. When people ask me "who is the greatest flatlan der of all time" my answer still remains..
    "Marrttii Kouppa from Finland"
    I tell them, with a great big smile. I remember all the amazing videos of him. People telling me of how crazy he is, I know. I can relate, on a much smaller level; of course, but nevertheless. He's an example of what someone can do when he puts his mind to it.

  4. Exactly sparf Martti does it from my the heart, it's for no one,honestly he does it for you the viewer at home, it works both ways he pushes you, you push him right back! That's modern day flatland. It's natural like that.

  5. He makes it look pretty easy. Brakeless whiplashes continue to elude me and when I watch others do them I am amazed. X-footed? That is another level material to me.
    Martti keeps bringing the edits. I watch every one.
