Friday, 26 November 2010

Adam Kun promo edit

Nice feel to this winter edit by Adam and Tom @ Sevisual, pedal 5 to halfpacker at the end is sick! Adam @ Tom working hard, two edits in two days.Enjoy!

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  1. Great edit Tom! Like the laidback feel of this edit, Adam riding with the locals, good stuff!

  2. jesus. 7minutes of video for 2 minuts of riding?!. and on my slow computer that takes like 20 minutes to load the whole video. yeah . we get it!. hungary is very scenic and beautiful. . i really wanted to see random people in hungary. ive never had a chance to see any random people before.
    that switchfoot pedal hang5 to halfpacer was nuts tho.

  3. omg. Thnx for your elevating comment!
    I never get this,..You got somethin' for free and You still bitchin'. This is a different video, we made this for Adam's hometown. The combos in there just extras, 'cause we like to give something new all the time.
    Look back the last 3 years and count how many edits we made with new combos....i dont even know why Im wasting my time answer this. ...thnx Effraim bytheway!

  4. Last trick was worth the wait if you ask me, thanks again Tom and adam, for sharing that!

  5. Great edit throughout Adam is unreal good scene in Hungary keep it up guys ,leave the bitching for Global babycakes .
