Wednesday, 1 September 2010

King of Southsea pictorial

Couple of shots today that i'm not using in the final repo, what a weekend!! Big shoutouts to the sponsors. 
Ross Penny was kind enough to send some shots of the event, above moi (matters) on hometurf,  first place tie with keelan phillips, the weather was kind to us both days! Somewhat of a miracle given the week leading up to the event!
Lee put together a sick second run for 5th place in Pro flat, Lee has come up through the ranks recently, which is great to see on the UK scene. Look out for more of him on the contest circuit!
Whitey was smooth as ever, mixed in a family day out with a spot of flat in Southsea, skills to pay the bills!!!
Steve Green sometimes goes by unnoticed in the uk contests, but his time is coming, much improved, threw down whoppers, and a whole bunch of brakeless decade action! Photo by Vlad.

Be posting the repo on friday people! More pictures tommorow


  1. nice to see photo's of the usual suspects.

  2. I know Howard I don't have any shots of the experts, I was pretty busy on the mic if anyone has photos of the ams I'd love to post them! I can only work with what I've got!

  3. in the words of Gaz Top "Excellent".
