Sunday, 2 May 2010

Odyssey Flatware contest

Yesterday was the Odyssey Flatware contest in Luton, just north of london. The contest was part of an Arts festival I believe. The event has huge potential, sadly the floor was not up to par, a thin sheet of hardboard gaffer taped to a cobbled floor, I didn't ride and did mic duties instead, mad props to Keelan who rode the floor like it was normal!
Below is a video of the final battle between Keelan and James White. Repo up later...


  1. that floor rattled my teeth just riding across it!keelan has super powers to pull his stuff effortlessly like that respect due.james'flat life'white from da ghetto of bexley heath did good gangsta trippin! gotta go can hear sirens comin

  2. by the way 5 pints + empty stomach and conversation with J flat life w leads to almighty headache

  3. hahahaha phil, nice review!
    the audience looks like digging it though

  4. haha nice phil!!! repo im just about to post!

  5. Had an awesome time,weather was amazing, so happy we risked coming down and didn't listen to the sceptics!
