Thursday, 15 April 2010

Viki Gomez Flatmatters exclusive!!

FM exclusive No 2 with Viki, love the ending, good fun!


  1. Viki is AWESOME... Ending is great!!!!

  2. Viki is AMAZING, super laxed chill guy, with a heart of gold. Was awesome hanging with him and sergio, and seeing him hit the kickflip to halfpacker 3 consecutive times in the most horrible parking lot ive ever seen. RIDE ON

  3. I love the shorts, haha, all he had left clean from his trip, the hang five jump to steam is so dialled, i think people dont realise how hard that is, the ending definitely adds to this clip!

  4. Did he really Bobby? No way!!! banging!!!

  5. Haha yes E, at the Riviera Roadside. He hit one..So i said "keep going, you hit it once." As he proceeded to hit that switch 2 more times after bantering him. RIGHT after putting his bike together, *Which he had only been riding for a week at that time * hahaha madness

  6. Vikis so natural, i often forget that!! thanks for sharing Bobby, and that lot sucked, damn.. even more impressive!!
