Thursday, 11 March 2010

Viki Gomez back to Suelo, Fly Bikes!

Viki emailed me earlier today was news of him riding for Suelo, Fly Bikes again. Going back to his roots!
Here's what he had to say:

"Here there is a video that I did last week. I m back to Suelo, Flybikes even if I will produce my own frames and bars ! But rest of the parts are Suelo.
Also I bought a camera last week and now I can edit and put videos by my own ! every 10 days I will put new videos to show my new tricks. Martti opened this new progression mentality and I'm kind of a guy who learns 4-5 new tricks every week so it s time to show them up. Enjoy and thanks !!"

Viki Gomez back to Suelo, Flybikes 2010 !!! from PSYCHOSTUDIO on Vimeo.


  1. Good news for Viki!
    Love the xft pumping style, how he mixes up the combos, a real treat! Looking forward to the video updates!!!
    Much respect Viki!!

  2. Lets see if he can "wake up" the Suelo brand a bit.

  3. Man viki you are seriously pushing the envelope...
    Back wheel destroyer!
    Original stuff,
    damn! I wanna go ride now!

  4. Loads of new stuff in here Viki is killin it,love it.
