Wednesday, 24 February 2010

New Breed: Alex Johnson Interview

Interview by Joe Miller.

Tell us your name, age and hometown?
Alex Johnson, 16, Decateur IL.

How long have you been riding?
Two years.

When did you first see flatland, and who/what got you started?
I first saw Day Smith in one of the Matt Hoffman games. Then one day saw a video on youtube and decided that i want to do it. At only sixteen years old you are progressing really fast.

How much do you ride, and do you set goals or just ride and see where it takes you?
I like to ride everyday depending on the weather. I like to set goals once in a while, but I usually just let things happen.

Do you have any plans to attend any Jams or Contests this year?

I plan on competing at Jomopro and York jam, and also the French connection.

The Flatland scene in Texas is huge compared to most areas, who do you ride with most of the time, or do you ride alone?

During the week I ride by myself, but on Saturdays I ride at the OG with the Austin crew.

Do you find it easier to learn established tricks or invent your own tricks/switches?

What works for me is to learn existing tricks and branch off them with my own variations.

What interests do you have aside from riding?
I like drawing and playing guitar.

List your favorite food,movie,and recording artist.
Ramen Noodles, Napoleon Dynamite, Jimi Hendrix.

Who are your top five riders to watch, and why?
Sam Foakes for his crazy combos. Martti Kuoppa, because he keeps pushing the sport further and further. Adam Kun for his crazy switches. Shintaro Misawa, because his riding is so smooth. Jason Forde for his flow.

Do you have any goals for your riding?
I would like to travel the world and ride with different scenes, get a sponsor, and most important of all, keep progressing!

I would like to take this time to thank you for your time, anyone you'd like to thank?
I would like to thank the whole Texas crew, and everyone who has helped me along the way.

Any last words of advice for someone who wants to start riding Flatland?
Do it!!!

Few videos-look for some new footage of Alex later this week on flatmatters!
Alex Johnson's Global Flat Online Battle from BMX Freestyler on Vimeo.

Global-Flat Intermediate Online Battle for 3rd from BMX Freestyler on Vimeo.


  1. Awesome to see progressive young kids, looking forward to his new video later in the week.

  2. Effraim, a word about this kid and his progression. I get to ride with him on almost a weekly basis, and he seriously has something new almost every week. He's good, real good. Something neat to me, is the fact that he will learn old tricks just for sh*ts and giggles...tricks like Frame Stands and Bar Hops. Cool.

  3. That's great, I'm a firm believer when your starting out there's no bad trick to learn, there's always something you can use that trick or concept for later down the line, stepping stones if you like... Look forward to seeing him ride at jomopro!

  4. hes crazy good for 2 yrs riding

  5. Alex is very talented and learns tricks very quickly. He rides with so much passion and love. He has a never give up attitude. Its funny some one will show it somthing 1 week and with in a few weeks he has the trick and working on variations. At the rate he is learning he will be taking 1st place in expert comps in no time! I am also proud to call him a friend.

  6. Part of the new breed concept is to keep an eye on new talent so if any videos of alex appear on online I will post up and you can see the progression.
