Sunday, 17 January 2010

Old schools sundays

Footage of Cory Strat 1997-99, smooth as you like, Cory rules!!

cory strat 1997-1999 from dchuk on Vimeo.


  1. the scuffing catapult aka smith decade, is nuts, sick stuff cory!!

  2. Yeah this guy rules remembering all those Canadian vids of the late 90's some sick moves in there.

  3. Canadians eh, the infection videos, some much sick stuff out of canada!

  4. nice and smooth for a sunday morning. i enjoyed that.

  5. "nice and smooth for a sunday morning. i enjoyed that"

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
    I remember riding with Cory on Vancouver, such a kool cat!
    Loved his section in flatland fanifesto...

  6. Hagness's Infection vids had so much great flat footy. I should spend the money and put them on DVD. Scott has been about a best of vid, but doesn't have the time to archive all those vids to DVD. Sucks, really.


  7. Cory Strat rules. I converted Infection 4 to DVD for Scott. Infection 6 is on DVD. Hit up Scott for a copy of that one. I am going to try convert some more for him in the next few months.

  8. Ah man, i grew up on those infection dvds, seriously missed in the scene, great stuff!!

  9. E - Let me know if you want a copy of the last video Scot did, Infection 6. I am sure he would not have a problem with me sending one your way. Scot is working on a edit of some footage Joe shot of him at the old warehouse. We should be posting it up on the blog in the next couple of weeks.
