Wednesday, 25 November 2009

New Seppl short vid

Watch this.. halfpacker bar flip to xfoot halfpacker, nice seeing vids like this, in the works, close to pulling it!


  1. Its been awhile since I said WHOAT WOW and now I said it when I saw this new switch from Seppl. Nice one!

  2. That was pretty nuts.

  3. progressive!!! hell yeah seppl!!!

  4. thanks for posting and the nice comments effraim, you are fast as hell :-)

    ride hard,


  5. Sick combo there very nice.

  6. Really Nice props man, for as i know Dez Maarsen pulled the halfpacker switch like 2 years ago. Its not to bitch or something but i wanna say it

  7. Yes i did. But the way Seppl almost finnished it is really cool and with a really good flow! But know i really want to see you "pull" it;)

  8. Yep, Jeff D. did that flip into xfooted halfpacker in 2004-2005. Simon Marsan did the xfooted halfpacker stepthrough (like Seppl)but steps over to the other xfooted halfpacker back in 2005-2006. Still such a good trick. Mad props to seppl

  9. Must be a blackout that I cannot remember this one done earlier. However it is it´s a dope trick!

  10. I vaguely remember Desroche doing it, at battle in the beach, i still think its awesome Seppl's doing it, and doing it well, but as Dez said, we wanna se the rideout, no pressure!!!!

  11. yeah, sommer already told me that jeff d. was first... props to him! i already pulled it with the exit plus 3 other switches into other tricks (yesterday: g-turn to x-handed mccircle). hopefully i can get that on tape soon with all the work, family, kids and more work...
