Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Voodoo jam countdown

Couple of videos from last year by TJ Perry...Enjoy..

Voodoo Jam 08 #1 from TJ perry on Vimeo.

Voodoo 08 #2 from TJ perry on Vimeo.


  1. Good news on the voodoo jam front, my old hutch colleague John Yull is taking photos and video, and will be taking care of coverage for Flatmatters this weekend. Weather forecast is thunder there everyday this week, so good job it's inside for the actual contest!!! Also in related news, Moto sasaki is down to ride but his sponsor pulled out of paying flight do he's not there.....

  2. John Yull dude does he still ride ? last i saw was in the "Homeless Trash"video in 92 be cool to see him riding again.

  3. He's back onto it big time....on juggler at the mo, may see an appearance next year :)
