Thursday, 23 July 2009

Sam Foakes and Mislav in Southsea..

Yesterday was definitely a random day.... I had just finished my first session of the day, and Sam Foakes calls, "Im outside the park, what time does the flatland session start?", now... I thought they were going to the Mile so thought he was winding me up. As I come back to the park, Sam and Mislav are there waiting along with the We the people team on the Ride to Glory road trip, as usual everytime Sam comes to Southsea. He went off, highspeed intensity is best way to describe his new riding style, and new tricks second go of trying, me and mislav were just laughing how good Sam is, considering he hasnt been riding a great deal, I have no idea how he does it. We ended up riding after the park session finished as well, it was an awesome day!! Thanks to Sam and Mislav for the surprise sessions!! Enjoy the photos...

Almost the complete set of Zion Focus prototypes...

Sam, taking off...His ability to generate speed is inspiring!

Switch, switch, switch, Sam doesnt stop...


  1. What time does the flatland session start.... :) you bastards

  2. flatland next to the ramps!

  3. looked like an awesome session Sam's new frame is dope i predict it will be very popular , always loved that Southsea surface and the sea breeze in my face fresh air arrrrr love it.

  4. Is a great frame Howard, no reason why not? It's also good cause sam's quite particular with the quality, so that's good for the consumer..
