Wednesday, 6 May 2009

The progression of Modern flatland

Great article on the Transworld by Fat Tony on the progression of flatland or more specifically, progression of how it is presented, and the role image is now playing in the sport.

Old style presentation-X Games 2000..

Modern day-Red Bull COB, Battle format style..

What do you think? Flatland seems to be at a point where there is a feeling amongest many that its time to go back with the rest of bmx, i.e xgames, dew tour. This years Jomopro went off, and introduces many more people to the sport, there is also the factor that modern day street riding is very influenced by basic flatland skills, what if it went more technical than that? What about the riders who dont care about image and are just riding their bikes, and progressing much faster than guys who are more concerned by their image? Whats more important fashion or function? Isnt there a place for everything within our small sport. Wheres the line? These guys that push the sport get nothing, and the guys that put on the show get everything. Let us know what you think...


  1. Heres what i posted on the transworld site...

    I believe that the riders have understood that you have to make a comprimise in order for flatland to succeed on the bigger stage, the earlier presentation of flatland just presented the competitive side, i.e the run on the big open black top, which is fine, but didnt generate much new audience. The modern day style of circular floor, battle style, only suits certain riders, and is very cuthroat in its mentality, but this is much better for the audience, gives the spectator something to get ahold of, they can support a rider, whereas before it was very withdrawn.
    In this modern day, I however dont think we are seeing the best riding, what we are seeing is a show, flashy tricks (time machines for example), the hardest and best tricks are overshadowed by the flashy tricks. Scott made a comment about Matthias and Dane Beardsley, the ying and yang of flatland if you like, flashy vs slow and controlled. Its of course good for the guys who are benefitting from that style, but not neccesarily for the progression of the actual artform progression side of it. But thats the choice people within the sport have made.

  2. intersting topic well in my opinion progression can moves in lots of ways going brakeless or a switch foot here and there for example each individual differs from the other some people find easy tricks hard and some find harder tricks easy i think if you are comfortable in yourself and your own abilities thats the bottom line but also learning even the easiest of tricks or a trick or combo that you have not pulled for years gives you a buzz a feel of personal satisfaction this to me defines progression moving forward within your limits we are all blessed with a creative talent and lets be honest there's not many people on the planet that do what we all do from your novice to your pro .
    Personally i do like watching the battle format but prefer the old fashioned comp runs to me there's more freedom in a comp run in a battle it becomes heated and very personal i mean it's great from an outsiders point of view but i get the sense it becomes to the point of " i'm 1st and your 2nd " senario like a grudge match , the format is great but i often wonder what riders are judged on i mean how can you judge a rider with brakes to a brakeless rider for example ? flow,difficulty,originality etc how do we all know what meets this criteria ? to the riders it may be easy to the judges it may be dificult progression can take many roads mind over matter maybe or is the challenge purely physical .

    cool topic.
