Sunday, 31 May 2009

Nao Yoshida wins Under 23's contest in Yokohama/Matthias Dandois wins in Lyon

Congrats to Nao Yoshida, who just won the Under 23's contest in yokohama! Nao was over at the Green Mile last year and the Circle Cow, super cool guy and shredder for sure. The contest is simple concept, riders 23 and under can enter.

Top three below...

1- Nao Yoshida
2-Takahiro Ikeda
3-Yasunuri Isijima

Video from last years Under 23's which was dominated by Moto Sasaki...

On the other side of the world, Matthias Dandois won this weekends contest in Lyon, top five results look this:

1st Matthias Dandois
2nd Alex Jumelin
3rd Alexis Desolneux
4th Joris Bretagnolles
5th Raphael Chiquet


  1. nice vid but isn't that discriminating to riders over 23 ? who may want to enter 23 seems an unusual number .

  2. In japan theres contests/jams almost every weekend, so its no big deal at all, plus the fact theres so many riders to cater for also, i think its a good idea in some ways, gives the younger guys a chnace to make a name for themselves, build up their confidence before the KOG.
