Friday, 3 April 2009

Sam Foakes in town...

My good buddy Sam Foakes came down to Sunny Southsea for a few days this week, in between some awesome riding sessions (as usual), I shot some photos, the rate this guy progresses baffles me and motivates me, we had some fun on his one wheelcycle, I may even have to set one up myself to have some more fun.Enjoy the pics...

If your looking at this thinking this "just a no handed halfpacker whip" think again, Sam yet again pushes the boundaries of what is possible in modern day flatland, this is so fresh, theres no name for it, im buggered if I can even describe it!

Working some right handed halfpacker turbines...

Yours truly having some fun on Sam's one wheel cycle, spinning hitch to hang five.


  1. looked like some bad sessions went down. more pics please. that one wheeled cycle looks crazy. any video of that?

  2. Don't have any vids of the one wheel bike jim, good fun tho I want to set one up, good for learning new stuff
