New riders are few and far between in the UK right now, I met Andrew at the Tgm jam last year, he had progressed a lot from the previous year, 360 bike pivots to two footed dump truck, and some nice halfpacker switches, new talent is really good to see, his latest video on globalflat shows a bizarre jump in the level of riding, I asked him a few questions to find out more.
How long have you been riding for?
I've been riding about 4-5 years.
How did you get into flatland?
After buying a Hoffman street bike, I couldn't be bothered to ride to East Grinstead skatepark each time I wanted to ride ramps so I started riding flat in my front drive after stumbling across That site is basically the whole reason I started. A year later I got a DK Signal and just kept riding!
We dont see you at many events, last i can recall was the TGM jam, do you plan on hitting a few more events anytime soon?
Music and my A levels take up alot of my time at the moment, so flat is taking a backseat for a bit even though I like to find an hour or so a day to ride. I haven't really thought about competing and in the past I've had clashing dates from work etc. In summer I'll be out and about more though.
Your video has a really bizarre jump in level of tricks, from hang nothings up to realy tech switches such as 360 bike pivot to two footed dump truck for example? Was that an intentional thing, to show basics as well?
I didn't think of my riding in terms of basic and tech really, I progress faster in some areas than others, the main backwheel pivot I do at the moment was dialed in a week or so, but I can't even do Hitchhikers after years of trying!
Thanks for your time Andrew, keep at it!!
really good to see some up and comers